AI art & culture news by the community, for the community.


Stable Digest is a bi-monthly community newsletter published by Stable Foundation.

Featuring metaverse-first interviews with major figures in the AI art world, community spotlights and exclusive news and updates from across the Stable communities and beyond.
Stable Digest is your essential companion in a lightning-fast world of constant AI innovation, shining a light on you, our community.

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From our origins in Stable Diffusion to the cutting-edge research labs of Harmonai, OpenBioML, CarperAI, EleutherAI, LAION, DeepFloyd, MedARC and more; Stable Foundation is the launching point from which to explore the worlds of AI together with the community.

Whether you’re just beginning this exciting journey or you’re an AI expert, our Discord community is the place for you.

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AI Art News & Culture by the people, for the people.